THE D-TRILOGY by Gareth Jones - DVD Box Set Now Available


Scenario Films Ltd is a London and EU-based independent film and television company, specialising in production, development, consultancy and publishing.

Scenario Films

An award-winning partnership with international credentials and a long track record in television and film as well as in theatre, music and publishing, Scenario’s Joint CEOs cover all creative and commercial bases in the audiovisual sector.


Gareth Jones

For full list of credits Click here »
More about Gareth Jones on Wikipedia


Fiona Howe

For full list of credits Click here »
Find Fiona Howe on LinkedIn


  • We develop and produce films for the British and international markets as sole producer, as co-producers and as line producers.
  • We publish novels, short stories and poetry, and compose and release music.

  • We engage in film and media research for the audiovisual, academic and diplomatic sectors.
  • We offer script and production consultancy, including our own pan-European training programme Babylon.

Our philosophy is to foster creative independence while reaching out to the widest possible audience; to encourage individual and authentic voices; to explore shared initiatives and ideas in collaboration with our partners on a basis of equality, transparency and mutual respect.