La Plage des Palmes, Cannes

La Plage des Palmes, Cannes

BABYLON participants are heading for the Croisette for the concluding session of this year’s 2013-14 programme, which has developed fourteen international feature film projects over the past eight months, with workshops in London and Vienna as well as ongoing mentoring.

Selected filmmakers now have a chance to take their projects to the Cannes Market, where they will meet potential co-producers, funders, sales agents and distributors from across the world, with the aim of pushing their films a stage nearer production, as well as gaining knowledge about the complex workings of the biggest film market in the world.

Babylon is based at the European Pavilion (121) of the International Village from 16-19 May.   For further details about the projects and participants, please visit the Babylon website at

Babylon is produced by Scenario Films, in co-production with Witcraft, and kindly funded by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Film Fund (MFG – Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany), the Vienna Film Fund (FFW – Filmfonds Wien) and the Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC – Hrvatski audiovisualni centar).



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